Linear Algebra

Display Matrix – 0.1
The goal of this toolbox is to provide algorithms to display matrices.


• dispmat_see : Pictures of a matrix and its pseudo-inverse.
• dispmat_show : Displays the sign of matrix entries.
• dispmat_spec : Plots the eigen values of the matrix.
• dispmat_gersh : Plots the Gershgoring circles of the matrix.
• dispmat_plotnew : Displays a matrix of values with entries from A.
• dispmat_plotconf : Configure a matrix plot of values with entries.
• dispmat_plotgetcell : Returns the handle corresponding to the given cell.

Factorization of Structured Matrices Toolbox
The Factorization of Structured Matrices Toolbox is a Scilab 5 toolbox for the fast factorization of matrices with displacement structure like, e.g., (block) Toeplitz matrices.


• Generalized Schur algorithm for fast LDL/Cholesky factorization of strongly regular hermitian matrices with displacement structure of Stein type.
• Fast LDL/Cholesky factorization of strongly regular (block) Toeplitz matrices.
• Fast QR factorization of (block) Toeplitz matrices

Make Matrix
The goal of this toolbox is to provide a collection of test matrices.

The current toolbox is able to generate the following matrices:

• Pascal
• border
• Cauchy
• circul
• diagonali
• Frank
• Hankel

Matrix Market
The toolbox contains the functions mminfo, mmread and mmwrite for reading and writing matrices on Matrix Market formatted files.